Revenue and Royalty Audit

Testimonial – Lisa R.

The audit staff were polite and professional. Lisa R.

Testimonial – Melanie G.

We were extremely grateful to work with someone as professional and knowledgeable about our industry.  We hope to work with your group again in the near future!!

Testimonial – Brian P.

The field lead was very efficient and knowledgeable that minimized business disruptions.

Testimonial – Corbin B.

The first time I have seen this particular technology.

Testimonial – Brian P.

The data requests are submitted and tracked in an organized manner

Testimonial – Robert G.

As a revenue auditor I did not realize the significance of field asset verification until I hired AMS-PAR to assist me.  AMS-PAR conducted a field office and discovered a Sales Meter on every pad that was not accounted for in the Schematics.  This oversight...

Testimonial – Tom J.

AMS-PAR uses experienced auditors.

Testimonial – Feliz M.

Sincerely I wish more audits were handled in this procedure.

Testimonial – Jenni N.

AMS-PAR follows a consistent process. I don't see a reason to change what you are doing.

Testimonial – Jerry b.

Very professional and responsive.  I can always count on their guidance when it comes to Oil and Gas Accounting matters. I love working with the AMS-PAR team!

Testimonial – Misty C.

The exchange of information is effortless.

Testimonial – Angie R.

The audit lead communicates very well with our staff. We received updates every week.

Testimonial – Becky M.

Our relationship with AMS-PAR is important and all that you do to bend over backwards for us is greatly appreciated.

Testimonial – Janet R.

The lead auditor conducted the audit in a very professional way, and always kept the communication channels open for discussion, feedback, and questioning.

Testimonial – Larry M.

The ability to exchange large data files was very effective.

Testimonial – Kevin A.

It has been an absolute pleasure working with AMS-PAR on this assignment, certantly a well managed, professional, and efficient operation.

Testimonial – Joe D.

I want to thank you and your company for the service that the audit team provided. I could not have done what they are doing without their help and support.  I have enjoyed working with the team and appreciate the approach taken to get into the meat of the project.

Testimonial – Melanie G.

We were extremely grateful to work with someone as professional and knowledegable about our industry.

Testimonial – Robert G.

AMS-PAR's vast experience allowed it to easily spot large revenue deductions charged to my company incorrectly.

Testimonial – Terry M.

The AMS-PAR audit team was courteous and professional.  Their software, particularly the Information Request (IR) system, provided effective communication, efficient data transmittal, and accurate tracking.

Revenue Sources

Revenue streams and cash payments are generated from the sale of a product or service, or from the exchange of knowledge or access rights.  Distributions are governed by revenue sharing agreements, operating agreements, and lease agreements with unique marketing and commercial terms that may include references to specific indices, allowable deductions, and complex computations.

What is a Revenue Audit?

A revenue audit determines whether or not revenue and royalty distributions were computed as required in the underlying agreements.  The examination often requires the auditor to create a model of the measurement / custody transfer points, allocation methods, shrinkage factors, allowed deductions, pricing terms, and other factors so that the derived value due can be compared and contrasted to the revenue payment made.

Candidates for revenue and royalty audits include the following agreements:

  • Royalty Leases
  • Product Purchase and Sales Agreements
  • Gathering and Transportation Agreements
  • Net Profits Agreements
  • Gas Processing Agreements
  • Process Handling Agreements
  • Gas Balancing Agreements
  • Plant Ownership Agreements

Why Conduct a Revenue or Royalty Audit?

Validating payments is nearly impossible without conducting an audit.  Remittance statements are summarized, and the data needed to gain assurance that payments were made correctly are not generally available without conducting an audit.  Computations are complex and unique, even when parties own an interest in the same asset.

An audit will assess the appropriateness of and help clients understand:

  • Volumes sold
  • Product pricing
  • Deductions taken
  • Taxes paid
  • Allocations between plants and leases
  • The interdependencies of data and various agreements
  • Why the check detail prices differ from index prices


The skills and knowledge needed to conduct an effective revenue audit are acquired over time.  AMS-PAR staff have that expertise and are able to analyze the most complex revenue and royalty distribution contracts.  Our systems and programming skills facilitate our audit work and allow us to analyze very large datasets.

The largest energy companies, royalty trusts, government agencies, and net profit interest owners entrust AMS-PAR to ensure revenues and royalties are properly allocated and paid.  They rely on AMS-PAR’s methodologies to ensure they paid revenues correctly and their interests are protected.

Our report will detail computation errors, provide guidance to facilitate collection efforts, and recommend improvements to business practices and commercial terms to minimize future payment discrepancies.